Hapa ridicule thread

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Re: The strangest Reddit Subforum ever

Postby Som-Pong » Sun Apr 08, 2018 7:50 am

Vutulaki wrote:https://imgur.com/r/hapas

he he heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Lol check out the German thread, he might be attractive to some Chinese gurls.

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Postby Vutulaki » Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:33 am

Som-Pong wrote:
Vutulaki wrote:https://imgur.com/r/hapas

he he heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Lol check out the German thread, he might be attractive to some Chinese gurls.

Yeah I watched that vid last night,predictably 333.com who lurk here day and night have taken the r/hapa ball and run with it. Good for them, maybe we can work together on this (once EY is sent packing from his own site and not a moment sooner)

Anyway that was the one about the German guy on the talent show, that long march looking narrator was butt hurt as fuck. YES the hottest asians girls are often seen with asian guys in Asia, what else did you expect you retard? YES the hottest asian girls in Sydney and Vancouver are often seen with asian guys you retard those are asian cities..

I can only imagine in places like socal its spread pretty evenly but ive not been there so ill drop off that.

But this nonsense ugly asian dudes pull about "Oh westerners like small eyes, We rikey big eyes so win win harmony, no need for confrict nobowdeee rooses" is bullshit A hot chic is a hot chic, western raised dudes would happily plough a double eyelid chink bitch, I fucking married one.

Good looking asian dudes who have game are targeting the SAME asian bitches western dudes are and vice versa. yep Asian dudes with something to offer get their choice of asian bitches, Brad or Chad isnt gonna change that.

Where they lose is pulling non east asian chics, even good looking asian dudes are a little disadvantaged here, I have mates who are considered to be good looking asian guys and they themselves say they struggle with non asian girls compared with their own kind.

All things being equal (looks, build, money, status, game) a black or brown guy is going to do better with asian chics than a yellow fellow is gonna do with black, brown or white girls. Its not even close..

I got dragged along to a speed dating event with a female friend (talk about friend zoned) and watching the chics pretend to take calls/reply to messages as they rotated to an asian dude's table was sad.

I turned up in the same clothes I washed my car in, unshaven (I have some white stubble now FFS I look like a lamington unshaven ) and not one of the white or asian chics pulled that on me. In looks im a 6/10 MAX and have a "husky fat" build ATM, a brown fedor from the neck down if you like (excpet im an inch shorter and weight about 5kg more than him so yeah not good)

The paki chics gave me a fucken wide berth though, theyre not stupid.

Note to chink dudes, if you want round eye kids who dont suck at maths and dont mind them having a bit of a tan, target Paki bitches, they will happily trade masculinity for hygiene especially since they know they wont have to explain basic shit to you like "Ah take your shoes off, oh you cant answer your phone while were eating at my parents, don't joke around with my dad TOO much" etc etc You can probably get one with whiter skin than you anyway.

Now im off to make my anti female thread ive been working on all pizza long

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Postby Som-Pong » Sun Apr 08, 2018 9:52 am

I really don't mind the Desi bitches, it's just that most of them age even worse than white cunts. That German dude can have his pick of anything except northern euro women. A white man who knows how to carry himself is the pinnacle of manhood, Scandinavian girls know what kind of man I am and know to steer clear. Browns and blacks think I have quaint machismo, until I glass a cunt for looking at me wrong. Then they look at my bank statement and I'm fucked, on the other hand the same prejudice keeps me free.

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Postby Vutulaki » Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:20 am

Som-Pong wrote:I really don't mind the Desi bitches, it's just that most of them age even worse than white cunts. That German dude can have his pick of anything except northern euro women. A white man who knows how to carry himself is the pinnacle of manhood, Scandinavian girls know what kind of man I am and know to steer clear. Browns and blacks think I have quaint machismo, until I glass a cunt for looking at me wrong. Then they look at my bank statement and I'm fucked, on the other hand the same prejudice keeps me free.

Yep they age terribly, even western raised ones dont give a fuck about staying in shape. The idiots saw that their mother gen managed to keep their marriages intact while being built like toads and think the same applies to them. Luckily the men are the same so I guess it equals out.

South African Indian chics are where its at, they had a few generations of competing with black and Germanic chics plus they arent inbred like most desi chics cause they dont (werent allowed?) practise the caste system and are drawn from all over the sub continent.

Anyway Ive seen how chinese dudes who marry into curry families are treated and its pretty much the same as their own, a white dude like you or any other whitey marrying into a curry family is in for troubling times.

You see the ching chongs dont have much experience with whitey, up until recently they were effectively just as impressed by them as the first abo to hold and smell a glass bottle was by whitey.

Curries on the other hand learned a few hundred years ago what the ching chongs are starting to open their slanty eyes up to just now (not their fault time is to blame) IE whitey aint THAT impressive, nothing wrong with them but no need to get excited about your daughter getting ploughed by one.

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Postby Vutulaki » Sun Apr 08, 2018 10:27 am


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Postby Vutulaki » Mon Apr 09, 2018 1:57 am

Too bad this kid is "white passing" otherwise it might just be a case of a little kid playing with a foam sword with his/her dog

r/Hapa is fucking nuts, read this shit


Now read the K-netizens overcompensating for eating dogs trying to be all fucking wanker sex in the city my dog is human


haha what a strange world we live in

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Postby Canuckster » Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:32 am

Man, you really hate Ching chongs don't you?
People say they all want the truth, but when they are confronted with a truth that disagrees with them, they balk at it as if it were an unwanted zombie apocalypse come to destroy civilization.

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Postby Vutulaki » Mon Apr 09, 2018 2:40 am

Canuckster wrote:Man, you really hate Ching chongs don't you?

Just because they arent "white passing" doesnt make them ching chongs. You need to go back and read that entire sub from end to end before you offend someone..

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Postby Vutulaki » Thu Apr 12, 2018 3:07 pm

You guys are gonna love this, read the OP carefully



Edit - Let me save you the effort

"The influx of trolls in this sub is just too much. How does something that sound so made-up got upvoted? If you read through OP’s post history you’ll find that he’s a frequent poster at milliondollarExtreme, a known white supremacist sub full of edgelords. It’s obvious his intent was to make hapas look pathetic and more incel like. The highest upvoted comment in that thread (now deleted) is from a user named KongtheNegroApe. If he didn’t make it so obvious with that username that he was intended to troll, I don’t know what else will, and yet he still got upvoted to the top. It’s no wonder outsiders have a negative view on this sub when are so many neckbeards LARPing as hapas, posting rage porn and borderline incel threads and people just blindingly upvote them.

Also that highly upvoted thread from a self-proclaimed Japanese/white hapa girl whom grew up in Japan. Nobody find it weird that “She” responded to every single question directed to her EXCEPT the one written in Japanese? Or how she went into an anti-Chinese rant? Or how she gave a weird and emasculating anecdote about how one time she picked up a short Filipino guy and squat with him on her shoulder?

I enjoy lurking this sub because it helped me, as a part Asian who didn’t grew up in the West, get a sense of what hapas go through. But the obvious trolling from those pretending to be hapas is just too much. Some of these posts sound so outlandish and made-up, but people still upvote them without realizing they are intended to divide and conquer and to make hapas look like a bunch of pathetic, misogynist incels.

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