Anyone interested in a group fitness challenge?

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Re: Anyone interested in a group fitness challenge?

Postby Anastasios » Thu Feb 15, 2024 11:54 pm

Yep the witness box is where you'll see these white girls, even for crimes you never committed, because we all know that had you been there you would have committed the crime anyway.

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Postby Luigi » Fri Feb 16, 2024 1:55 am

Had a squat session yesterday that was good but a bit imperfect. I reached that point where I need to jump up 15 lbs in weight, and indeed I couldnt get 6 reps after doing so. My body was telling me no, I now realize what I should have done is put the weight even higher then just stand with the weight on my back to make my body understand its okay. But anyways, I was getting sets of 3 just fine but when I tried to go for a 4th my body kept sending the NOPE signal. So I took my empty dumbell handles and tied them to the sides of the bars using rope and internet wires. This way I got to increase the weight 9 pounds, and was able to get 3 sets of 5 and then some bonus sets. So, kinda pissed I didnt get 6 reps but to be realistic and give myself some credit it was a good session. I really hope I can get 6 reps with the 15 lbs increase next time though I suppose any small improvement I can be happy about.

Vutu you have that old school brown guy mentality and I respect that, but its not just us Whites who largely lack it these days, half the people of the world are now sipping the gay nihilistic kool aid.

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Postby Vutulaki » Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:14 am

Anastasios wrote:Yep the witness box is where you'll see these white girls, even for crimes you never committed, because we all know that had you been there you would have committed the crime anyway.

My only crime was always wearing a condom and not putting a few lil vutus into them. Since we are talking sex crimes then yes brown and black dudes are top of the list if your 26 year old daughter is raped youre looking for a black or brown guy to kill, if your 26 MONTH old daughter is being raped youre looking for someone of eurpoean decent mainly northern european

"Of 206 convicted sex offenders in a men's prison a disproportionate number of child molesters were white and a disproportionate number of rapists were black. Of the 758 inmates in general, a disproportionate number of both child molesters and rapists were white (n = 171 vs 35 black men)"

Im sure all of you whove trravelled to Thailand have heard the thai girls say "I hate black man him scary, I hate Indian him dirty/ssmelly/cheap/ugly the list goes on here" Ive personally not heard these things directly duee to the thai value for not making anyone lose face but believe it when my white bros tell me.

You know what Ive heard many of them say? "I no like white man, white man fuck baby" but of course you guys will refuse to believe me sso here is my own anecdotal evidence off the differences between how white males and ethnic males behave around kids.

Ive never had a stranger ethnic male be they black, arab or pajeet try to interract with my kids without good reason IE a teacher, coach , staff at a business etc

I know a lot of my ethnic bretheren share this experience with whites and that is they will interract with your kids without invite or reason, theres something so weird about it to us. Im talking old and middle aged anglo men trying to get close to them at the beach in the shallow, making faces at them when youre not looking at shops, wanting to be part off the coaching staff at junior sportgs clubs when they dont have any kids there (why the fuck???)

This is obviously a minority but I often wonder do you all have a lust for small kids and most of you can just control it? if so then what can you do? I believe this makes you a "minor atttracted ethnic group" it means you are attracted to them sexually but resist the urge to act on those urges and for this I tip my hat to you, well done. Give yourselves a pat on the back

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Postby Som-Pong » Fri Feb 16, 2024 8:42 am

Leg day today.
Haven't squatted in two weeks due to back pain. It's exciting.

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Postby Vutulaki » Fri Feb 16, 2024 10:47 am

Som-Pong wrote:Leg day today.
Haven't squatted in two weeks due to back pain. It's exciting.

Foccus on mobility bainchaud and take it slow, better off waiting to reach previous PRs than waiting to heal again

The only thing I like about leg day is when its over, not just the workout but the whole day. Fuck I hate the pre workout anxiety, the pain during, the onset of cerebral palsy right after then full blown ebola/aids until the next day

Did bench day today, im stalling now on bench but my DB bench numbers keep going up so this has to be mental, every cunt and his dog stares when you bench too which throws me off my game

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Postby Som-Pong » Sat Feb 17, 2024 12:22 am

Yeah. Felt off at 100kg warming up. Aborted. I think I need to start stretching.

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Postby Vutulaki » Sat Feb 17, 2024 9:30 am

LL Cool J

Lift Lighter Cool J

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Postby Som-Pong » Sat Feb 17, 2024 10:09 am

Absolutely. Gotta lose ego lifting.

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Postby Vutulaki » Sat Feb 17, 2024 11:55 am

You know the difference between impressing the gym hottie and not is sometimes 1 more plate, women are super aware of things like that.

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Postby Luigi » Mon Feb 19, 2024 10:34 pm

So last Friday I took the day off work and slept all day, and today is a public holiday. This is important because it means for my bench session yesterday I was very well rested and didnt have to worry about the time pressure of getting to bed on time. So I nailed it. Hepburn program called for 2 sets of 3 reps and the other 6 sets at two reps. I ended up inverting this with 6 sets of 3 reps and 2 sets of 2 reps, and then some bonus stuff for volume. Next session I will go for all sets being 3 reps. I ate my allotted calories and was still hungry and had a glass of milk and some candy. I take it as a sign my body is rebuilding and Im happy about that. Speaking of rebuilding, the best part was my left bicep tendon felt totally fine. Going into the session I felt zero injury except the slight tweak in my left shoulder. During the session my right bicep got roughed up a bit as did both my shoulders. But as of today, I pretty much feel fine. I can feel it a bit in both tendons and shoulders but not really that bad at all.

Looking at my log I noticed I am only a bit over 2 months from the one year mark from when I started the log. By that point I will have certainly added over 100 lbs to my squat(already at 94 lbs and it goes up every session barring injury) and will probably have added 50 lbs to my bench(was already at 41 lbs a few weeks ago, hard to measure exactly because of my program). I will be very happy if I hit those goals.

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