Talked to a 'Medium' last weekend

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Talked to a 'Medium' last weekend

Postby Masato » Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:01 pm

Hey all

Last weekend I worked at that Tesla Festival again, and was stationed beside this lady who claimed to be a 'medium' (she made a distinction between 'medium' and 'psychic').

Real nice lady, surprisingly down to earth. We enjoyed each others company throughout the day, she brought her daughter who hung out with us, nice vibe. At the end of the day she offered a free 'session', so we sat down by the beach and she started to go.

What she said and the results are nothing too spectacular, not really worth sharing. Some little things that are personal to me but boring for anyone else lol.

But my point is to ask how many others here have had experiences with psychics, mediums, fortune-tellers etc? Anything interesting? Did you catch any fakes? Or did did any impress you or said things that came true?

My wife had been told before she came to Canada (she came alone when she was 20) to look for some specific signs when she got here... at the time she didn't think much of it but later professed that when she met me she also saw the signs that the psychic had told her about. We were married not too long after that.

Anyone here have some good stories of this kind?

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Postby Masato » Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:05 pm

Oh yeah, I went to this ArtCrawl thing a while ago and there was this couple doing 'prophetic drawing'.

I had to ask what it was and they said if I wanted they would pray for God to give them guidance related to ME, and then they would start drawing whatever came to their mind. They said it was free and I said OK. They said a prayer and then started drawing, both of them at the same time. They were done in about 5 minutes, then explained what they felt or 'saw' and drew, and hoped it would have some meaning.

The drawings were interesting, the woman's drawing somewhat similar to what the medium the previous weekend had told. The man's drawing hit close to home for more reasons, was very nice.

This stuff is interesting. I believe many people have such intuitive gifts, but I also believe the margin for error is too huge, and its not always easy to distinguish between real intuitive insight and our own rambling imaginations.

I suppose some are better than others

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