Depth-Perception Van Gogh

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Depth-Perception Van Gogh

Postby Masato » Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:09 am

From art student Serena Malyon

In photoshop using blur techniques etc

VERY cool. Props not just to the girl that did these, but to Van Gogh himself who this imo only supports his genius.

I think there are more of these around if you wanna go hunting for em











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Postby sheetsMMAfan » Mon Dec 28, 2015 5:02 pm

When I was a kid, I wanted to be an artist. I could draw any IMAGE I saw, and replicate it damn near 100%. I was pretty good with sculptures and creating 3d objects with clay, but my brain didn't work well when it came to producing images from my head, onto paper.

That being said, I was never an artsy guy. The first painting I ever saw, and thought OH SHIT that's beautiful, is Van Goghs Stary Night. After seeing that, his style and most of his pieces just pop out to me, and I adore them. I can't say that about 99% of the art I see, but this guy did some good shit.

These pictures are awesome. What a simple idea that changed the way you can view his masterpieces.

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