Found an Easy way to customize any website you'd like

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Found an Easy way to customize any website you'd like

Postby sheetsMMAfan » Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:22 pm

No man, I don't shoop much at all anymore. I didn't mind shooping when I felt I had a creative edge and a competitive style, but the new wave of guys are crushing it and I can't hang. That, and I haven't had time too much with a job change and all the past 6 months.

About your forums....

Are you looking to pay to host them, do you pay now, or keep are they currently hosted free?

If they have a way to upload and deal with new themes, I can help out as needed to see if I can get stuff modified the way you want. if your looking into alternative hosting or forum migrations, I can help with that as well.

I am thinking about going with the new forums Sherdog currently has, and already pirated the newest copy of it. I am familiar with installing, configuring and maintaining forums now, though I have only been messing with them a little over 1 week, lol.

Let me know what direction you want to go, and I would be more than happy to help man :)

Edit: This is also why I wanted to become a Site Admin on here when I first started. An odd request from someone you don't know from Adam, but I just wanted to see how forums worked and see if I wanted to start hosting some on my server at home. I can't see shit on these forums, being an admin, so the idea died there until Sherdog was getting ready to go through their change and "Social groups" were going away.

We needed a place that i could modify to suite our needs and you were presumably busy, so I learneded how to create and host forums for the hell of it, and here we are! I can mold my forums into pretty much whatever I want, and will be in the next few months, especially when the game development starts picking up. Whatever I learn, I would be more than happy to help apply it to your forums and help wherever I can. I am at your call when needed man :)

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Postby Masato » Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:36 pm

^ thanks man

Here's the deal;
FreeForums IS free... but then if you want certain features like adblocker, or reps etc you have to pay extra.

On top of this their tech is really quite shitty, their customer service is even worse, and their billing system is all fucked up (many times billed for the same thing). And the worst part is the limited options for design and customizing.

I would skip out in a heartbeat to transfer to a new server where I would be in control and could design it the way I'd like. But FreeForums won't release the content/data to migrate over. I've even tried finding hackers who could extract it for me but so far no one has completed the job.

If you know a way to transfer the content of this place to a new forum where I don't have to pay for adblocker n shit, and can pick my own colors/design (at least to a greater degree), I am all in.

I'd even consider hiring you as soon as I get some motherfucking cheques in the mail

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Postby sheetsMMAfan » Fri Dec 18, 2015 4:57 pm

I am not looking to get paid. I do stuff for people, because that's who I am and how I am built. That's why I am in the IT industry. People need help, and I enjoy being that person to help them.

It really depends on these two things.

How much you want to spend?
How much customization do you want?

Here are a few ways to go about it.

You can pay someone to host your forum and you can admin everything from a built in control panel and through FTP. This would probably be pretty cost efficient and they maintain the forums on their hardware or virtual environment, which they would guarantee 100% uptime I am sure.

You can pay for an Amazon virtual server, configure your domains external dns settings to point to that server, host your forums there via IIS on a server you have FULL control of via RDP. Probably the most expensive, but 100% uptime and most customize able.

You can continue on here. I have been experiencing some weird lag like some have stated, but it's free. Not very customize able though.

There may be some more, less expensive options, but that's all I can think of right now. I own my own domain,, and control my external DNS. I can add however many subdomains I want like,,, etc, and point everything back to my server via outside DNS entries. Domains cost me $2.99 per month to host, and my server was free (I got EXTREMELY LUCKY) and so were the upgrades I performed this year on it, and it just costs me electricity to run my shit.

All that being said, you will probably lose all data when cutting over to anything. Free hosted has all this built in bullshit that basically states "All your shit is mine, and you can't have it unless you pay us more money for us to give you more privileges over it, and it all must remain here"

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Postby sheetsMMAfan » Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:34 pm

Make my Primary Group "Administrators" or whatever. I think I am just in the "Registered User" group. I can see what I can do with this puppy.

I am thinking about a theme along the lines of this for my forums, to putz around in...

I use SMF forums, which is free to download, just need setup with SQL and stuff. Even premium themes that completely change the way everything is viewed on the forums only cost around $20. I am thinking about branching out and perhaps growing/promoting my forums when I get it where I want looks/performance wide and when I get time. Don't know where I wanna go with them long term really, but its fun play with and learn this stuff....

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Postby Luigi » Fri Dec 18, 2015 5:38 pm

The return of Sheets!

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