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The Vent thread

Postby Luigi » Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:14 pm

Masato wrote:PS:

Luigi - do you tend to have really strong high moments in your life too? I am beginning to suspect that many of us work in cycles... our highs and lows, appetites and contentments, etc etc might very well go in waves. I tend to go through frequent cycles with a number of personal things, creativity as well. I'll be useless for a time and then they all flood in later unexpectedly.

I would like very much one day to keep a little journal over several months and see if there is any pattern to it

I do experience these kinds of cycles, however I have always thought of them as reflecting the cycles of my life rather than being a more internal system. Basically as long as I havnt gone thru high stress scenarios(work deadlines etc.) recently I will generally have more energy to get shit done. High stress time periods tend to be cyclical in life so I always assumed that was the source of the effect.

However maybe if we didnt have any major stress for a very long period we would see the same cycles. In my case I dont think that has happened since I was a teenager lol. I assume most folks are in a similar situation.

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Postby Luigi » Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:00 pm

Man sometimes this world is so much. The simplest things can become stressful ordeals that make you want to go crazy. Maybe if we can improve the world enough our grandchildren will grow up without these problems. I hope it will be. Maybe thats too optimistic.

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Postby Masato » Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:40 pm

Optimism is healthy (and neccesary) imo.
Is so easy to over-think almost anything, and equally easy to find ways to be cynical.

But reversely, it is equally as easy to find beauty and amazement in anything, its all what lenses you choose to see through. Once you wear the same pair long enough, its hard to switch (positive or negative)

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